Circle Information
Esther Circles:
Meets in the Harris Room, 12:30 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Ruth Circle:
Meets 6:30p.m. on the Tuesday Nights
Contact Juli Springer for more info
PW Board:
Meets in the Harris Room, first Tuesday of each month.
Presbyterian Women Missions:
Youth Mission Trip
Bluestone Scholarship Fund
Old Man Rivers
Christmas Shoe Fund
May Friendship Day Health Kits
Shawl Ministry
Community Christmas Dinner
Church Women United
Hunger Fund
Mission Pledge
Sanctuary Flowers
Special Offerings:
Leper Fund
Least Coin
Birthday Offering
Thank Offering
Past Projects:
"Everything Goes" Spring Sale
"Holiday" Fall Sale
Quinn Broom Works Sale
Rada Cutlery Sale
About the Presbyterian Women's Symbol
Forgiven and freed by grace through faith, the central figure stands in praise. Rooted in faith, the trio of women emerge.
The outline of the central figure forms a cross. We are Presbyterian women engrafted in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us.
The right figure holds a book to guide her reading, studying, praying, or meditating.
The left figure reaches out to care for others, as she shares, nurtures, and heals. The circle represents the church worldwide where women offer their gifts and talents in the midst of the global community.
The uplifted arms of the central figure reach out to embrace a just peace.
The relationship between the three figures depicts lives of wholeness rather than turmoil.
The three women have no distinct features. They represent all women. The shapes surrounding them express energy, strength and openness.
Our name, Presbyterian Women, ties us to our denomination. The Bible resembles the Bible depicted in the PC (USA) Seal.
Hosted Activities:
Sunday Coffee Hour
Lenten Luncheon
Spring Picnic
90+ Birthday Celebration
Fall Birthday Luncheon
Circle Christmas Parties
Christmas Open House
Community Christmas Dinner
If you are a member of First Presbyterian Church of Parkersburg, you are a member of Presbyterian Women and are welcome to join us.